Whether you’ve already purchased a copy of the Proverb Construction Kit (TM), or you want to learn how it works, this page gives you everything that you need. Learning how to create your own proverbs is a two-step process.
Step #1: Practice Deconstructing Existing Proverbs
We’ve found that the best way to learn how to construct new proverbs is to start by deconstructing old ones. We’ll present a proverb for you to deconstruct into its three components: function, frame, and finish(es). Go through all ten examples, or as many as you need to get comfortable with the categories. Ready to start deconstructing some proverbs? Just click the button below.
Step #2: Learn to Construct Your Own Proverbs
Once you’re comfortable deconstructing existing proverbs, it’s time to start constructing your own. The following video takes you step-by-step from idea through creating an entire family of proverbs for you to choose.