Exercise 8 of 10
Try to determine this proverb’s function, frame, and finish.
Expand each section by clicking the “+” to see how well you did.
“Love makes a good eye squint.”
What is the FUNCTION of this proverb?
This proverb predicts the effect of love on one’s capacity for objectivity.
What FRAME is this proverb built upon?
This proverb is built on a comparison frame because it compares two concepts:
a) one’s ability to assess a situation through clear eyes
b) one’s ability to assess a situation through eyes affected by love.
What FINISH (or finishes) have been applied to this proverb?
This proverb has two finishes:
1) Wordplay: Substitution: The author substitutes the literal function of the eye to gather visual information with the figurative concept of cognitive “seeing.” Since a squinting eye reduces one’s ability to discern fine details, people in love are limited in their ability to comprehend the entirety of the situation.
2) Wordplay Opposite: A light case can be made that the proverb is playing on the concept of good vs. bad, as in: a good eye affected by love is actually a bad eye.
EXTRA CREDIT: What METAPHOR is this proverb built upon?
This proverb is based on the metaphor: love is blind.